Christian Devotional

Devotional: Safe


(I wrote this piece for a class I’m taking at my church. I wanted to share this devotional with you! If you are wanting to grow your relationship with God and learn how he can keep you safe even during difficult times, read on.

Safe: Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Meaty Steak, Anyone?

As I waited for the doctor to come into my room to explain the operation, I felt safe, even after knowing in a few short hours, they were going to cut me open like a meaty steak. Except I wasn’t meaty and am no steak. And even worse, they were going to catheterize me. I quickly thought maybe they would forget about the last part, but that would be wishful thinking on my end. 

The doctor then came into my room and prayed for me. I quickly hugged her and gave her the thank you card I had written. 

God was already preparing my heart that they were going to find something wrong, but I didn’t know what “wrong” was. 

And the wrong wasn’t the catheter. 

After the surgery in the recovery room, I held the piece of paper with my diagnosis and the next steps regarding my health.

How I wished at that moment the catheter was what was wrong and not my health!

The diagnosis couldn’t be fixed or changed. It was permanent. 

But somehow, at that moment, I knew I was safe even as I held that piece of paper with the life-changing diagnosis on it. 

Often, when I think of safety, I believe that everything will go right as I planned. That the “wrong” would be fixable, not life-changing. In the hospital room, I was reminded that Jesus walks before me, so when I am going through it, He walks beside me. Then, I am truly safe. 

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Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

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How To Enjoy The Little Things In Life

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