How To Spring Clean Your Life


Are you looking to spring-clean your life? Now that it’s getting warmer, spring cleaning is on everyone’s mind. When I say everyone, I mean my co-workers, because that’s the talk of the office recently.

I love a good clean home, but I prefer something other than dusting. I’m not a big spring cleaner myself, but I decided to take this opportunity and try spring cleaning. Instead of just the regular spring cleaning, I wanted to spring clean my life. If you want to spring clean your life, this blog post is for you.

Spring Cleaning & Decluttering

As I mentioned earlier, I’m not a fan of the traditional spring cleaning routine, but I do value a clean home. In fact, I find it difficult to focus on my work or truly unwind unless my living space is tidy and organized.

What I mean by somewhat clean is no dirty dishes, no dog hair on the carpet, and my bed has to be made.

I firmly believe that when my house is in disarray, so is my soul and other aspects of my life. Interestingly, there are numerous benefits that spring cleaning can bring, which might just inspire you to give it a try.

The benefits are:

  1. Feeling more peaceful and accomplished
  2. Improving 
  3. Reducing depression 
  4. Increasing productivity
  5. An opportunity to exercise

You can read about more benefits here.

Areas To Spring Clean

So, now that we’ve discussed the benefits, let’s discuss areas of your life where you can spring clean. There’s nothing like spring cleaning in 2024, right?

1. Spring Clean Your Mind & Soul

This might sound odd, but I promise it’s a thing. When our minds are in a suitable place, everything else feels correct.

So, if that means you need to have a good therapy session, a good conversation on the phone with your aunt because your momma will tell everyone what you said, or a much-needed session with your journal— way you can clean your mind, you do it.

Detoxing your soul belongs in this category, too.

I love a good detox, but detoxing your soul sounds a little odd, right?

When I first heard of it, I thought it was odd.

For me, detoxing my soul means keeping myself in check with what I watch, listen to, etc. It allows me to see if my current emotions are based on what I’m feeling, seeing, or hearing.

What we think or feel really does affect us and causes us to be in chaos.

2. Declutter Your Space

As I mentioned above, I can’t focus without having my house in somewhat of an order, and I have ADHD, so I can easily go into a ping-pong mood real quick.

But what helps is list-making and time-blocking.

I will work on one area and then move on to something else.

I time block areas or things I want to get done.

So maybe your list looks something like this:

  • 9am-11am: Clean the kitchen (dishes, organize the pantry & refrigerator, sweep, mop, take the trash out & reorganize the junk drawer—we all have one!)
  • 11am-12pm: Pick up the living room and dining room area
  • 12pm-1pm: Lunch
  • 1pm-2pm: Dust the downstairs, including the living room and dining room.
  • 2pm-3pm: Clean the windows in the living room and dining room, and then vacuum
  • 3pm-5pm: Clean the bathrooms (the worst part of cleaning if you ask me!)

You get the picture here I’m trying to paint, but time blocking is a great way to stay on task and focus.

3. Reset Your Wardrobe

Now, I was going to call this section refresh your wardrobe, but to me, that implies new items that cost money. We all need clothes because we aren’t trying to be unclothed, but buying new things can be costly. If you are in a no-spending situation like me, always buying new things goes against what we are trying to go for.

So, refreshing your wardrobe to me means looking at your clothing and evaluating what fits, what can be put away for next winter, etc.

Now, if you realize you need more clothing because you don’t have anything to wear, girl, go buy some clothing for yourself.

4. Refresh Your Space

Now that our wardrobes are reset, let’s refresh our spaces.

I love home decor and having spaces that feel homey.

Look at what’s in your home and how you can make it look more awake, alive, and springy.

Fun fact: I once used an old baggy t-shirt for a pillow cover because I loved the colors on it.

I can’t do it for everything, but I can do some multiple-purpose things!

Refreshing for you may be changing out your throw pillows or putting flowers out on the kitchen table; whatever refreshing your space means to you, do it.

5. Refresh Your Budget & Goals

Springtime is a great time to reevaluate your budget and goals. Are they doable and responsible? If not, it’s okay to reset them if necessary.

Sometimes, our budgets and goals change because of life events, and other times, God shifts our focus to other areas. So, don’t hold yourself back because you “agreed” that your budget and goals looked one way and now feel another way.

Give yourself permission to shift gears.


Spring cleaning is more than dusting (which still isn’t my jam even by the end of this blog post!); it is more about spring cleaning your life. Whether that’s your mind, soul, or budget, spring cleaning your life is possible and can be done any time of the year. Let’s walk into Spring 2024 with a fresh mind, soul, wardrobe, home, budget, and more. More importantly, allow God to spring clean whatever areas of your life you need cleaning.

If you want to hear more from Broken Until Now subscribe to the blog, and follow us on Instagram at brokneuntilnow.


Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

5 Ways To Navigate Life Transitions

How To Enjoy The Little Things In Life

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