Are you wondering how to love like Jesus? Maybe you have been hurt by someone who said they loved Jesus, but their actions proved otherwise. Here are 3 ways to love like Jesus from my personal story of my mentor/mother-daughter relationship with Vicki.

Court Appointed Special Advocate
Sitting in the cold, dark, oh-so-familiar courtroom at 17, I turned around and saw a familiar face. I asked her, “Where’s Vicki?” I knew this woman, and thought she was Vicki’s boss. Vicki was a CASA Worker (Court Appointed Special Advocate).
She wasn’t there that day, but Vicki wouldn’t take long to return to our lives. (Just like Jesus wants to return to yours if you have been stranded away.)
Every time I entered foster care, minus the last time I was removed, Vicki would be restated as a CASA worker regardless of whether she was currently volunteering or not.
(If you want to know what a CASA is, it is a volunteer position that works with children in the foster care system, and the service providers work with the child/family so the judge can make the best decision for the child. You can read more about CASA’s here.)
Here are 3 ways you can love like Jesus
1. Give Grace
Giving grace sounds simple, but for many, the harsh reality of the stresses of life, our biased opinions, and our own hurts can make giving grace a challenging task.

Vicki gave grace. Being a CASA is hard work, and there are no rewards regarding pay.
And let’s be honest: giving grace to kids in a system that, in all honesty, is a failed system, can be challenging.
But Vicki continued to give grace in court hearings and visits each week. She gave grace because grace was given to her by Jesus.
2. Blessing Others
Blessing others when you have been through so much turmoil can be challenging. Vicki had experienced so much pain during her life with the trauma from her childhood, the unexpected loss of her husband, and raising twins alone. However, despite the devastation she experienced, she continued to bless others through it.
Vicki saw three children and many others who needed a role model. Someone to stand up for them. Someone to show Jesus’ love to them regardless of the trauma, pain, and difficulties they have experienced.
Jesus wanted to bless them and did that through Vicki.
She showed Godly character when, at times, God didn’t seem to be in sight.
3. Showing Up

As previously mentioned, Vicki continued to show up week after week. To school functions, court hearings, and visits.
Sometimes, all people need is to know that you are willing to show up for them, just like Jesus does. They need to see a Godly characteristic in someone else.
Vicki took me in in my late teens as I had nowhere to go. She continued to show up, and I saw her more than my biological parents.
Vicki even showed up for both my high school and for my undergraduate degree graduation. She even took me out for dinner to celebrate when I graduated with my master’s degree.
During her curious battle with cancer, Vicki continued to show up for her children, her grandkids, and even me.
She showed us how to love like Jesus.
Conclusion About How To Love Like Jesus
I won’t see Vicki again on this side of heaven, but one day when I do see her in heaven, I will catch her up with the things that she didn’t get a chance to see. I will finally be able to ask her a question I held close to my heart for years, “Will she be Grandma Vicki to my kids?”
Even though my kids aren’t here yet, they will always know their Grandma Vicki and how she loved like Jesus through the unexpected death of her husband and raising twin girls alone. Even through her hardships, she still managed to give grace, bless others and show others how to love like Jesus.
My prayer is that this post blessed you and that you know that loving like Jesus doesn’t have to be hard; it can be simply showing up in a time of need, blessing other people and giving grace when needed.
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In honor of Vicki “Hyde” Emig
Ashley Marie
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