Are you struggling with the idea of surviving winter or the winter blues? Look no further, because this post is about surviving the winter and making it more enjoyable. There is a lot of research out there about winter depression and the winter blues, so let’s jump into the best ways to combat it.

Winter seems dreadful for most of us who live in states where it gets cold, when frost and blizzards are a real possibility.
If you’re anything like me, you need ways to survive winter, because hot cocoa and blankets can only do so much.
But surviving winter and actually enjoying it is actually possible.Here are seven tips for surviving the winter blues.
1. Dress For Winter
A fundamental part of surviving winter is dressing for winter. So pull out the hats, gloves, scarves, and cozy winter sweaters because we are all about staying warm and feeling snug. When you’re dressed for winter, you can worry less about being cold and more about enjoying the moment!
2. Make a Reading List and Start Reading
Who doesn’t love to read? Reading is a great way to get your mind off the cold, frost, or darkness winter can bring.
Start making a list of books you want to read. Winter is the perfect time to get through the list of books you want to read.
So find your favorite blanket, get your favorite cup of coffee or tea, and start reading.
If you’re looking for authors or books to read, I have the perfect blog post for you. Click here.

3. Schedule Events
Scheduling events or dates is a great way to help with the winter blues. Getting out of the house, hanging out with friends, or even trying a local restaurant is a great way to regain a sense of normalcy.
If you are into winter activities, try ice skating, snowboarding, or skiing (if you’re braver than me).
If you aren’t into winter sports because you are cold 24/7, try a class where you make art, paint, or exercise.
4. Look Into Therapy
With the cold, winter, and darkness happening earlier, I swear, as each day passes, having someone to talk to about your feelings—your highs and lows—is a great tool to help you survive winter and help alleviate the winter blues.
If you are looking for a therapist, Better Help is a great place to find one.
Another technique that is used along with therapy or antidepressants is light therapy. You can find more information here, but it can help alleviate the effects of the winter blues.

5. Watch A Movie
A movie or your favorite television show is the perfect way to survive winter. It’s a fun way to use your time and just relax, not think.
Plus, you can even watch your favorite classics.
If you have a family or want to do a girl’s night, having a movie night would be a great way to hang out with your people and enjoy winter.
6. Make A Winter Bucket List
Having a winter bucket list is a fun idea to help you survive winter.
Maybe you always wanted to travel to New York or Colorado; winter is a great time to get out of your house and on the road or in an airplane, whatever you prefer, and go somewhere fun.
You may be a beach person, so someone tropical would also be a fun destination, especially in the cold months.
7. Take In The Beauty
Even though winter is cold and frost stinks, try to take in its beauty. There are only a few months out of the year when it snows, so look at its beauty for what it is.
I look at winter as a beautiful season with the snow covering trees, the snowmen outside of the homes, and some even snow dogs (Yes, that was me as a kid!).
Conclusion About Surviving The Winter Blues
Finding ways to survive the winter blues doesn’t have to be difficult and can be achieved. It doesn’t have to be something you dread. Yes, the winter blues are authentic, but it’s a time to dress warm, feel cozy, and enjoy the areas in life you don’t get to in any other season of the year while keeping your mental health in check if needed by talking to a therapist. Plus, it is even enjoyable once you can find ways to survive winter. I pray these tips bless you and help you survive the winter blues.
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Ashley Marie
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