I love to read! I remember as a kid sitting in class listening to audiobooks during my free time. No one ever read to me at home, and reading on my own was out of the question at the time. It wasn’t until I learned how to read that I realized that God can use other people’s stories to help heal our own. If you love to read, here are 5 great Christian writers you need to know.

List Of Christian Authors
Here is my list of the 5 Christian writers you need to know! These writers will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord with their honesty, humor, and fun.
Lysa Terkeurst
Including this one on my list is truly a no brainer. Lysa Terkeurst uses her gift of writing to help others who are struggling. She is real, honest, and vulnerable with her struggles, and she uses a Biblical approach to capture her readers’ attention. She truly guides readers on discovering how to heal, move on, and thrive in many different areas of life.
My personal favorite book by her is Forgiving What You Can’t Forget.
She also has a journal that goes along with the book, that I just adore and it’s called The Forgiveness Journal.
Mandy Hale
Mandy Hale is known as the Single Woman. She uses her humor and honesty to help other women navigate the terrain of singleness.
I came across Mandy in her work after I left the “unmentioned one” as my friends and I like to call him. If you are struggling in your single season and or want to read more of my story, click here.My favorite book of hers has to be her first book, perfectly titled, The Single Woman.
Jordan Dooley
Jordan Dooley is an author who will be honest even in the hard struggles of everyday life.
In her books, she discusses hardship, loss, and trusting God even when life doesn’t make sense.Jordan shares her infertility journey in her book, Embrace Your Almost, which happens to be my favorite book of hers.
Stephanie May Wilson
Stephanie May Wilson started out as a blogger and now is an author!
When I read Stephanie’s work it feels like I’m talking to a friend. Stephanie has prayer journals and books that just feel like your best friend is sitting right next to you.
My favorite book by her is her book about her testimony, The Lipstick Gospel. It’s a short read, but it’s so powerful.
Stephanie also has prayer journals which I love. My personal favorite is her The Between Places Journal.
Francine Rivers
Would this be a real blog post on Christian authors if I didn’t share Francine Rivers?
I mean she is just amazing!
My favorite and clearly so many other people’s favorite book by her is Redeeming Love.
It was such a favorite that it turned into a movie. Did you watch it?
Her books are non-fiction, but they captivate you with each turning of the page and provide a Biblical guide with each of her stories.
These are my top 5 great Christian writers that you need to know. These authors are ones that you won’t forget and that will make you laugh, cry, and cheer for joy with each turning of the page. These books are great to bring to a pool day with the kids this summer or a relaxing day in on a rainy day.
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Ashley Marie
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