How To Relax At Home

How To Relax At Home


Do you ever feel overwhelmed with life or the unending tasks of running kids around, cooking dinner, and then trying to squeeze in some time for yourself? If you are looking for ways to relax at home, this blog post is for you. 

During my early days as a social worker, I was so stressed with my career that the idea of  relaxing, especially when stressed, seemed overwhelming to me. Even now, if I don’t keep myself in check, I will fall back into old patterns. 

Why Relaxing is Important

If you are anything like me, you might be wondering why relaxing is vital in the first place. Why can’t I just continue to do what I’m doing? 

Well, you can, but according to Yale, research shows that relaxation keeps your heart healthier, cuts stress, reduces muscle tension, improves brain function and memory, and helps you avoid depression, anxiety, and obesity.  

Here are some tips to relax at home:

1. Try Listening To Music

Listening to music can help you relax, especially if it’s classical.

I’m obsessed with putting on the Netflix Fireplace. 

My current favorite one is called Fireplace For Your Home. The Fireplace For Your Home is 3 hours long and plays Christmas music. (I literally play this way after the Christmas season is over.)

Also, YouTube has fireplaces and other soft music like coffee shops, nature, and the ocean.  

2. Try Writing

Writing is a great way to relax. It allows you to get your feelings from pen to paper. (If you are looking for journals, we currently have journals in our shop. We have them available on our resource page.) 

3. Try Guided Journaling

Guided journaling is different from regular journaling. Guided journaling gives you questions to answer.

They are very thought-provoking. Which is why I love them.

Plus, guided journaling prompts are great ways to relax at home.

3. Read A Book Or Listen To One

Only some people love to read, but reading a good book is lovely. It helps your mind escape everyday life.

If reading isn’t something you enjoy, try listening to one.

4. Listen To A Podcast

I love listening to podcasts, especially if I’m trying to relax. Podcasts are excellent ways of keeping our interest and learning something new.

5. Take A Cozy Bath

Relaxing in a nice, cozy bath is so enjoyable, especially if you had a long day; it does help relax your muscles. 

6. Light A Candle Or Diffuse Essential Oils

Who doesn’t love a good-smelling home? I love burning candles and essential oils, especially when I need to relax. There are so many different options of candles and essential oils so you can find the perfect option for you.

But if you need some suggestions, I love Young Living essential oils, and my favorite candle is by Rockway Candle Co., and the scent is sea salt and orchid. They have so many other scents also.

Spa Night

7. Try Taking A Nap

I love a solid nap. If you are tired, your body is trying to tell you something. Taking a nap does help you relax and allow your body much-needed rest.

8. Try Some Coffee Or Tea

I love coffee in the morning…well, really, any time of the day, but I tend to drink tea when I want to relax.

9. Make Something Yummy And Watch A Movie

Who doesn’t love a nice little treat, a cozy blanket, and a movie?

11. Try A Spa Night At Home

I’ll be honest; I’m not the best at this, but having a little spa night at home sounds so fun and relaxing.

Think of it as a little gift to yourself.

12. Talk To Jesus

Praying is a great way to relax your mind and allow your body to check up with your soul. Jesus always has time for us, especially if we need time to relax. He is the ultimate refresher of our souls. 

Conclusion About Relaxing

Relaxing at home doesn’t need to be fancy or a considerable thought-out process. It just needs to give you joy and life. Do what works best for you, and try relaxing once a week. Pick a tip, or even one of your own, to implement to relax. 

Do what’s best for you! If you have more tips to share, I would love to hear them!

Happy relaxing!

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Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

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  1. massa says:

    Your blog post on ways to relax at home is wonderfully practical and resonates deeply with anyone juggling the demands of daily life. The variety of tips you provide, from listening to music and podcasts to taking a cozy bath or engaging in guided journaling, shows a thoughtful consideration of different preferences and needs for relaxation. I particularly appreciate how you emphasize the importance of relaxation for overall health and well-being, backed by research from Yale, making it clear why it’s essential to prioritize moments of peace amidst life’s busyness.

    Your personal touch, such as your favorite Netflix Fireplace and the specific products you recommend like Young Living essential oils and Rockway Candle Co., adds a warm and inviting dimension to your suggestions. The suggestion to “Talk to Jesus” as a means of relaxation is also a beautiful reminder of spiritual refreshment.

    Overall, your blog post is both informative and encouraging, providing actionable tips that readers can easily incorporate into their routines. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights on finding joy and relaxation at home!

    Best regards,

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