How A Truth-Filled Statement Can Change Your Life


Has anyone ever said something that has been life-changing to you? Not in a bad way, but in a good way. 

A few years ago, I ended a long-term relationship after 5 years of being with the person I thought I would marry. You can read about it here

After the breakup, I felt alone, and even believed I was—until one day, I heard something that blew my mind from a speaker. 

I used to work in ministry at a shelter for individuals struggling with homelessness, and many times during my employment there, they would have speakers come in and share something from their hearts. 

Well, one day, a speaker came in, and she shared that we’re never alone because God is with us. 

I knew this before, but I never felt it. Since my breakup, I’d never thought that I wasn’t alone. 

It was life-changing, and after that moment, something shifted in me. I started conversing with Jesus. I began to trust Jesus. 

A few months later, I saw this same woman at the church I attended and tracked her down to tell her how much her words meant to me. 

I can’t recall if she said anything, but that tiny realization wasn’t just words to me; what she said allowed me to see that Jesus could be my best friend and that he is always with me. 

So many things in life don’t go the way we plan. I never thought in a million years that I would walk away from my relationship after 5 years and still be single in my 30s, but here I am.

But walking away was the best decision I ever made because it allowed me to have Jesus as my best friend.

Friend, whatever you may be going through, whether a breakup or losing something you wanted, allow God to be the friend you need. 

Allow God to sit with you when you feel alone, to be the person you talk to, and to be the best friend you need. 

Has anyone ever said anything to you that changed your life? If so, comment below; I would love to hear about it.

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Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog post for you to explore:

The Secret Is Out: I Wrote A Devotional Book

The Benefits Of Being Vulnerable

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