Treadmill Prayer

The Treadmill Prayer


With winter being here, I recently considered getting a treadmill. However, the thought was short-lived when I considered the cost and, more importantly, how I would get it up my steps into the house. 

After that thought, I told the Lord that I would really like a treadmill so I could run in the winter months. Freezing isn’t an option for me when I hate being cold. 

A few days later, I was with my twin sister, and she asked if I wanted her treadmill. She decided to upgrade to a walking pad. 

After the conversation, I told her I would take her treadmill. Plus, she was giving it away for free! 

When I arrived home with my treadmill, I wanted to bring it inside. But I’m short and petite, and the treadmill is heavy. I made such a commotion trying to get the treadmill into my house that my landlord came outside, wondering what was happening. 

(I thought to myself, “Oh, don’t mind me, Bob. I’m trying not to fall down these steps with something that weighs more than me.”)

After some trial and error, I got the treadmill inside! (Thank you, Jesus!)

All of this got me thinking about how God cares about the littlest things in our lives, and if he cares about the littlest things, he cares about the big things. 

My little prayer and ask was so small, but God still showed up. 

He still provided. Was it something I needed? No, but it was something that I wanted. 

Do you limit God on what He can do? Do you think He must only care about the big things and not the little things like a treadmill? 

What prayers do you need to be answered today?

What treadmill prayers do you think might be too silly for God to answer?

I promise no prayer is too foolish or hard for God. He cares about the little prayers and the big prayers. And let’s be honest, He doesn’t keep a notebook of little and big prayers. He wants you to talk to Him and let Him know your heart and ways He can answer your treadmill prayer. 

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Ashley Marie

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