Not where you want to be in life? This post is for you.

Not Where You Want To Be In Life, This Is For You


Are you questioning where you are in life, if so this week’s blog post is for you.

In a few short days, I will be 37 years old! When you read this I’ll already be 37! And last night I was in my feelings about where my life is at right now. 

If you’ve said the following statements about your life, this week’s blog post is for you!

I’m frustrated that I’m not further in life yet!

I’m frustrated that I’m not in my current season.

I’m frustrated that life didn’t turn out like I hoped.

I’m frustrated because ____ (fill in the blank).

I never thought I would be where I am, and I hear people say all the time, “Your eggs are going to freeze and dry up,” or “Why aren’t you dating anyone?” or “You are messing up your life.”  

And sometimes those little statements get to me. But even though I have moments when I’m sad, I then think to myself this statement: 

I’d rather continually step on Legos than be in a life that wasn’t meant for me. 

God’s plan is way bigger and better than any hard day! 

I’ve had relationships where I wished I was single or felt like there was a gap intellectually. There’s nothing worse than dating someone you know wouldn’t always pick you, or feeling like you have to settle.

So, when you are also in your feelings or maybe just having a bad night like me, I want you to remember a few things. 

Not where you want to be in life, this is for you

1. You are better than you were yesterday.

2. You don’t always need to be moving big rocks—pebbles matter just as much!

3. Jesus’ plan for you is so much better than you could even imagine!

4. A tree doesn’t grow overnight. Small roots start to form and then branches and so forth. The life you are building is growing trees even if you don’t see them yet.

You deserve to have the life that is meant for you! God’s plan is bigger than any failed relationship or hard day. 

Plus, God’s story for you isn’t finished being written. You may not be where you thought you should be, but you are where God wants you to be.

If you want to hear more from Broken Until Now, subscribe to the blog or follow us on Instagram at @brokenuntilnow.


Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog post for you to explore:

Devotional: Doing The Brave Thing

3 Tips To Heal A Broken Heart

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