Treadmill Prayer

7 Running Safety Tips


Running has always been something I’ve been good at, at least in my mind. I’ve run from the stresses of life, from being hurt, and the list goes on. But running with my feet hitting the pavement and my ponytail flapping in the wind? Not so much. Up until my medical diagnosis, running seemed scary, and the idea of running alone seemed like a terrible idea.

But as time passed and I learned running safety tips, I wanted to share them with you today so you can start enjoying your own feet hitting the pavement.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to get into running safely, this blog post is for you.

How To Run Safely

1. Pray

I always pray before and during my run. It’s a time whenI release my fears to God and He gives me strength not to let the anxiety win as I finish my run. 

2. Listen To The Holy Spirit

This is a given, but I always listen to the Holy Spirit before I go out. If, for some reason, I feel I’m not supposed to run that day, I don’t run. 

If I think I’m supposed to run but don’t want to because of life, I run anyway. Always listen to the Holy Spirit. He will never stop directing your path.

3. One Earbud In

I always run with one earbud in. It allows me to hear what’s happening outside of the music I’m listening to, but it also gives me a level of safety that comforts me. 

4. Run With Someone Else

When I first started running, I ran with someone else, especially when my anxiety would be high. Since I have been a victim of a crime before, running, especially with men around, just freaks me out.

5. Know Where You Are Running/Open Location

If I’m running somewhere, I like to look up the place online and see what the view and pictures look like. 

Also, I like open spots where I run. This means I can see roads, the trail is open to fields, or maybe a few trees. 

Enclosed locations are a no-go for me. This means hiking trails.

6. Share Your Location With Someone You Trust

I typically share my location with someone I trust (friends or family) to let them know I’m running and text them when I’m done running. 

Doing this gives me a sense of protection and safety to alert them should I not respond to them. 

7. Don’t Share Your Location On  Social Media Until Later

There are many apps to help track your running, but I don’t share my progress of how far I have run until after I’m home. 

I also want to share that I don’t run near my home. It may be odd and a hassle for some.

I don’t run near my home for safety reasons just in case someone follows me and finds out where I live.

I also don’t have sidewalks where I live, but I am okay with traveling to go running.


These are just tips for running safely. I’ve learned due to my history of being a victim of a crime. If you read this and feel you are as secure as possible and were still hurt, I am so sorry. God does not condone anything that was done to hurt you.

My prayer is that these tips help you enjoy God’s beauty, allow your feet to hit the pavement, and allow your ponytail to fly in the wind.

If you want to hear more from Broken Until Now subscribe to the blog, and follow us on Instagram at brokenuntilnow.


Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

Why Running Is A Great Way To Cope With Trauma

The Secret Is Out: I Wrote A Devotional Book

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