Treadmill Prayer

Why Running Is A Great Way To Cope With Trauma


I was recently scrolling on TikTok when I came across a video about the correlation between trauma and endurance sports. Or as I like to call it, trauma and exercise. The woman in the video was running, and I know that, as a social worker, exercise is a great way to deal with some mental health issues (anxiety & PTSD, to name a few). If you want to know how running can help if you’ve been through trauma, this blog post is for you. 

(It should be noted that exercise is a technique to help cope with trauma and not the only way to cope with trauma.)

Running and Trauma

Running, for me, has been a great way to deal with the trauma of my medical diagnosis, as I felt pretty traumatized by the experience. 

As I write this, I want to share that I ran a mile and a half today. I typically go to a park to run because there are no sidewalks where I live, plus I have to have an open area to run due to some past trauma. 

The park is pretty, and the leaves on the trees are starting to turn colors, which makes it extra unique.

How Does Running Help?

Below is a list of benefits: 

Trauma and Exercise

I wouldn’t say I like running; I disliked it at first, but as my music plays from my headphones, I start to get excited. With each step, I feel more in control than whatever I’m facing. And once I run the miles I want to run, I’m excited, happy, and accomplished. 

I can definitely say I’ve seen improvements in my mental health, how I process my feelings, and in my stress levels after I run.

It’s a win for me when I haven’t always felt like I was winning, and I’m sure you have also felt that way. 


If you want to start running, now you know the benefits of why running and trauma are linked and how running can help you.

So, get out there, lace up your shoes, and start running.

If you want to hear more from Broken Until Now subscribe to the blog, and follow us on Instagram at brokenuntilnow.


Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

Devotional: Unrealized Blessings

My Favorite Resources

Devotional: God Didn’t Make A Mistake

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