God's Calling For Us

3 Reasons It’s Hard to Step into Your Calling & How To Overcome It


This blog post discussed 3 reasons it feels hard to step into your calling and 3 ways to step into anyway.

I had my third vendor show this year over the weekend (about a month ago when you read this). Being a small business is hard. I see my business as a ministry and would give away all my things for free if I could. But as the weekend of the vendor show ended, I cried. Not because I didn’t enjoy it, but because it was hard! Why does God’s calling for us seem so hard at times? 

Here are a few thoughts that came to mind:

1. Fear

Fear of stepping out and even showing up allows people to retreat into the shadows and not stepping into their calling for what God has for them. 

And if I’m honest, fear is a little comfortable when we are used to doing the same things repeatedly because we are comfortable in our comfort zone.

2. Unknowns

The unknowns are the worst! We get scared as soon as we try to step out into this new, unknown world of purpose! We question a million things and then ask a million people the same things we question. 

But stepping out into the unknown can be beautiful. 

3. Pride

Pride holds many people back. We question whether things will work out. And if they don’t or we think they won’t, it will hurt our pride. 

Pride is our way of continuing to protect ourselves in case something doesn’t go the way we want. 

Here are 3 ways to combat, fear, the unknowns, and pride:

1. Peace

Have you ever been in a spot where you knew you needed to do something, but it didn’t seem to come from you? 

Peace is God’s way of comforting us even during the unknown and letting our pride know God’s got us.

2. Purpose

Stepping into your purpose is hard, and even when you do, things will happen along the way that you can’t predict.

But God gave you your purpose for a reason, and he never said it would be easy. 

A lot of growth happens that will help us continue our purpose as we step into our calling.

3. Positive Feedback

After the vendor show this weekend, I received some positive feedback on a few of my products (which I didn’t even know was possible through the app I use for selling my items). 

One of the feedback messages read: “I bought the mystery bag, and every sticker means something to me. Thank you”. 

Hearing positive feedback is a beautiful way of seeing that you are helping others even when it’s hard. It keeps you going.


God doesn’t promise our calling will be easy, but he does promise to be with us—to help guide us through the fear, the unknowns, and the pride we experience. 

Your calling is beautiful, and God is calling you to step into it. So what are you waiting for?

If you want to hear more from Broken Until Now subscribe to the blog, and follow us on Instagram at brokenuntilnow.


Ashley Marie

Here are a few other blog posts for you to, explore:

Why You Should Go To God First

My Favorite Resources

3 Tips To Transition Well When Starting Something New

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